Benefits of Fabric Protection from fabric Care Products

You must wash your upholstery with fabric protection products to take care of them and keep them looking new and fresh for a very long period. Additionally, it extends the lifespan of clothing because less cleaning is required, thanks to our fabric protection. You don't need to worry about using these items because we specialize, invent, and look out for your investment.


The following are the principal benefits of using Fabric Protection goods and services:

  • Easy to remove stains and release them

  • GIve long life to your upholstery and carpets

  • Provide a shield against oil and water-based stain-causing liquids

  • Protects against UV sun-fading

  • Reduces wear and tear

  • It makes vacuuming more effective

  • Improves indoor air quality

  • Prevents the spread of unwanted bacteria and germs

  • Give professional deep cleaning and help in saving your money and time.

  • Prevent your fabric from the unnecessary products


Why Use New Dimension's Fabric Protection?

Provide Professional Care System 

When you wash your fabrics with the solution encapsulating each fiber of your cloth, we create this solution for you. It is essentially nanotechnology. As a result, it is highly resistant to dirt and dust.

Every carpet and piece of upholstery, whether protected while new or not, needs upkeep. Fabric protection treatments by the best biodegradable cleaners prevent spills and dirt from getting on a carpet or chair.


Environmentally friendly


Fabric Protection from Biodegradable solutions can be kept and used all year long in various climatic settings because it is biodegradable and has an endless shelf life. We don't specify that fabric Protection by its use significantly contributes to a better indoor environment, which is very beneficial for people with allergies and asthma. Every fiber is protected by a molecular shield made by Fiber Protector, which stops dirt and dust from sticking to the fabric. As the friction between the fibers diminishes, the movement of dust and fabric fibers is also reduced.


Protects against mold, fungus, and bacteria


Furniture and carpets may behave as "bacterial bombs" rather than toilet seats because wet carpets can produce odors and a harmful indoor environment for health. To stop both problems mentioned above, Biodegradable solutions offer antibacterial treatment for carpets and fabrics.




To give a long life, things require care and protection. And if you take the necessary precautions, you are doing them a favor. By utilizing these biodegradable products, you can also help conserve the environment. At the same time, you are extending the life of your garments and carpets by washing them with fabric protection products.
